

a fluorescent light flickers
he’s dancin' with sin
he comes home around midnight
and leads with his chin
brace for the impact
her diamond glares from the moon
there's a kitchen tornado
the kids are watching cartoons
it’s a magical world
behind static and fuzz
it deafens the screams
like it usually does
the woman is masked a deep crimson
the man stands in the door
she dreams about flying
as she lies on the floor
she’s dancing in white
in the fountain of youth
he said sickness and health
never one for the truth
years pass and the children
fly from the nest
free from tornadoes
the girl cleans up the mess
the boy now a man
he’s finally grown
storm chasing cowboy
with kids of his own
he comes home around midnight
clouds beginning to loom
his wife braces for impact
the kids are watching cartoons

Author: Jerry Lynch

Photo: Sydney Sims on Unsplash

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