Lucky Me

Lucky Me

I didn’t know
what I wanted
when I put
that note
card on
your desk.

You didn’t know, either.

I could have
Said, much more
clearly, and
asked you
out for
a date.

You called me anyway.

Lucky for me
one of us
had the courage
to ask
that hard

You then drove in the snowstorm.

We went sledding;
it was cold
and in the car,
holding yours in mine,
I warmed
your hands.

You let me try, anyway.

Back at your house,
next morning,
I helped your
Dad clear
snow from
the drive.

The last flurries drifted randomly about.

You soon drove
me home.
I leaned in
and kissed you.
Lucky for me
You let me.

Author: Edward Dzitko

Photo: Mara Ket on Unsplash

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