The Swans Have Left

The Swans Have Left

The ducks and geese have left also
Early February, too soon for their departure
Undoubtedly chased away by atmospheric river
Rice fields under water… silent
Fond memories
Tens of thousands of birds
Buzzing with energy, bellies filling with rice stubble
Gaining strength for the journey north
What changes drive early migration?
Instinct, survival, premonition
Flying away from the familiar, comfortable
No going back as fields now drained
First flight north for the young birds
Elders leading the way
Will they find places to rest
or have these fields also been drained?
Migration has become more perilous
Heavier rains, warmer winters, melting arctic ice
On the pathway long predicted by scientists
Will my great grandchildren be awed by arriving swans?

Author: Roger Funston
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Photo: Sarka Krnavkova on Unsplash

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