Prophets, Poets, and Musicians
Prophetic orators whose words,
resonate through time.
There are oracles in our midst,
who speak of good news.
They foresee souls in dire need.
Intuitively enabling their audience,
to drink in,
what is not always seen.
Poetic lyrists bending the light,
of words to stir the masses.
Commanding language,
as if Adoni was speaking.
Musicians whose fingers pluck,
seamlessly into the heart’s chambers.
Moving mountains--
That brings you to tears,
with magnificent renditions.
That only the transcendent,
could have orchestrated.
These are the eternal music makers,
who dream the dreams,
and proclaim the proclamations.
Vocalizing by long sea wakes,
and rehearsing by desolate forest streams.
Intertwining their audience serenely still.
Creating their magic as the pale moon gleams.
Without a hush…
Without a whisper…
An oration,
a concert near the edges of heaven.
Author: Mary Ann Abdo
Website | On OMPJ
Photo: Michael Walk on Unsplash